News from Activities
Activities News
Our Activities Department had quite a few fun things happening in March. We had a day devoted to learning new games! We have several residents that are experts at games. Sue Burrel taught us how to play Quarkle which is a fun game that has you matching shapes and colors to score points. Betty Marcellus taught us how to play Domino’s, and Margaret Peterson taught us how to play Rummicube. Rummicube is another fun game in which you gets sets of numbers or runs of numbers. A big thank you to these ladies for sharing their knowledge and talents with us.
Humanities Nebraska came to serenade us with “Songs of the West, Up the Nebraska Cattle Trail” We appreciated Joan Wells and Kris Simon driving up and entertaining us.
We had a generous donation of girl scout cookies that were divided up for bingo prizes so everyone that wanted some could have some.
We kept up with our morning exercises, and enjoyed learning new exercises to keep us happy, healthy and energized.
We also have some staffing changes in the activities room. Kathy accepted a position with a different company and will only be working as needed on call. Maria Cooper will be the new Activity Director. While it is hard for Kathy to say goodbye to all of our Country Lane family, she knows everyone will be in excellent hands with Maria taking over; especially as Maria has helped out in the activity room in the past.
Maria is currently on staff as a Medication Aide and is well known and loved by everyone here. She is an extremely talented artist, and you will have seen her work throughout the facility. She is the one that decorates the windowns in the memory care unit with all of the beautiful hand painted pictures. Her knowledge of the residents, staff and facility is a blessing to all who have worked with her. We can’t wait to see all the fun she brings to the activity room. Stop by and say hello to Maria and welcome her to her new role!